EndNote X9 Reference management software.EUCLID Software to learn about or identify Eucalypts of Australia.Diagnostic Imaging Atlas Atlas of veterinary illustrations.Cn3D View 3D structures from the NCBI Entrez retrieval service.Citrix Receiver Client for connecting to myUniApps software.CAJ Viewer Chinese Academic Journal (.caj) file reader.Amos SPSS module for Structural Equation Modelling.Ausgrass Encyclopedia for Australian plants.Adobe Photoshop CS6 Graphics editing software.Adobe Acrobat Distiller Converting PostScript documents to Adobe PDF.Accelrys Draw Computer-aided drawing for chemists and biologists.Install or reinstall a licensed version of Windows Secure access to support studying remotely Statistical computing and graphics software Workspace communication and videoconferencing Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and more Programming environment for scientists and engineers System Design Platform by National Instruments Well, that time has past and still no solution… at least not one that I know about.Graphic design and video editing software by Adobe I know I could just upgrade and be done with it, but I have seen posted on the Adobe website promises to make it compatible with Vista by mid year 2007. Producing PDF documents is a daily function in my business, which I was doing just fine before Vista came into my life.

One crucial software update I am waiting for is the one to make Adobe Acrobat 6 Professional compatible with Vista. I have regretted that decision many times since then, but continue to persevere riding out the wave of incompatible software hoping for updates to pre-Vista software versions to get me back to where I was before my XP Pro machine died. Unfortunately, I was a little too eager to jump on board with the new Vista platform. Recently I had to replace my Dell D600 laptop of 4 years with a new Inspiron 6400.