EA and Maxis have never revisited this idea of more creative, wilder stories – but they should. The Sims 4: StrangerVille was a great game pack that introduced weirder concepts and stories to the game, including alien plants and mind control, but it’s essentially a standalone adventure. The Sims is a weird, weird franchise – but it’s been many years since it’s actually been allowed to be weird. Going beyond the PC games, there are also secrets about cow cults, alien invasions, and killer robots. There’s the secret of Bella’s alien abduction, and the secret of the strange cow plant. Speaking of secrets – The Sims is frankly littered with them. The Sims 5 will certainly get by fine without a story, but having a robust cast and plenty of secrets will likely engage a range of new and returning players.

Narrative hooks can keep gameplay fresh and interesting, and spice up every neighbourhood in the game. It’s these stories that have stuck most with players – and exactly what The Sims 5 should focus on. Read: Explaining the wild and uncanny timeline of The Sims Some of these backstories also present major mysteries – like how Bella Goth disappeared, and ended up in Strangetown. Every neighbourhood you visit is populated by unique characters, each of which has spooky, romantic, funny, or ordinary back stories that inform their wants and desires in the game. The Sims 2 remains incredibly well-loved, thanks to its deep lore and stories. Bring back stories for every character Image: EA / Maxis A game is designed to be played – and having Sims disappear for hours at a time is unfortunate. If your Sim needs to go to work or school, you should be able to follow them (the Get to Work and High School Yearsexpansions went some way towards fixing this, but it should be in the base game). Many careers send Sims to rabbit holes, which renders them unplayable. The Sims 4 has a tendency to send players into ‘rabbit holes’ – invisible spaces where Sims disappear for hours on end, while they’re performing some activity or another. But being able to buy a car would be very cool, and you could even expand gameplay by introducing car maintenance and upgrades. Given The Sims 4 is not really an open-world game – you need to travel between biomes via a loading screen – there’s really no need for purchasable cars. Cars are a must-have feature Image: EA / Maxis Should Project Rene turn out to be a fully-fledged sequel, here’s everything that we’d love to see included.

While EA has teased the future of the franchise with ‘ Project Rene‘, we still don’t know much about this experience beyond its customisation capabilities. What’s next for the franchise? What can we expect from new content packs? What is there left to improve? The Sims 4 has had a great run – but now, it’s time to start talking about The Sims 5.